A sad goodbye

Sadly, one of Aiden’s friends from birth is moving away from Charlotte to San Diego.  My good friend, Dana, and her family (including son Graham) are moving in just a few days.  We went to see them for the last time on Wednesday.  It would have been really sad, except that my attention was drawn in another direction when Aiden threw about a 15 minute temper tantrum because he didn’t want to put on his shoes to walk in the muddy grass outside.  Go figure!  Anyhoo, we’ll miss you Dana, Joe, and G-man!

Dana with Graham and Aiden in the baby pool

Best of luck with the move and with the new baby!

One thought on “A sad goodbye

  1. We are so sad to leave the Williams family too! Our last 2 playdates were so much fun, of course right as we are about to leave!! Best of luck with “Chuck Norris!” and can’t wait to hear the good news!! It has been wonderful being here with you from the beginning of our journey through motherhood and being able to share all the thoughts, fears, and joys!! I’m sure we’ll still be sharing as we both discover life with 2 little people around!!

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