The last hurrah (for real this time)

This weekend, we fudged on the doctor’s orders to not travel anymore (don’t worry, it was only by 3 days).  Everyone knows how much we love the beach (especially Scott) so we took one last trip down to the Charleston beach house.  You know, to soak up some sunshine, stay cool in the water, and generally invade Bub’s privacy (thanks Bub!).  Sadly, this is really the last time we’ll be headed down there for a while.  We truly enjoyed every minute.  Luckily, the Scerri family was also down there so Aiden had some friends to run around with as well!  Scott and I also got to celebrate our anniversary (albeit a little early this year) with dinner at the Peninsula Grill which has become our favorite anniversary tradition.  Ahhh…I can still taste the coconut cake!  (Thanks again for the babysitting services Bub!)

Aiden has gotten pretty good at this little trick.


Carson and John Scerri giving it a go! Mindi and Grant are cheering him on along with Scott and Aiden.

Our beach boys

Unfortunately, my iPhone photo instructions were less than optimal, so poor Carson gets his head cut off in this photo. But it was too cute not to put up anyway!

All dressed up for the anniversary dinner


The first of our two desserts. Since we couldn't fit any more food into our tummies after dinner at the Peninsula Grill, we got coconut cake to go. So the chef made us a complimentary dessert platter with small banana truffles - yum!

The bump in full effect. "Chuck Norris" is scheduled to make his or her appearance in 27 days...yikes!!!


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