Weekend in the mountains

This past weekend, we took a trip to the mountains to visit Granny and Granddaddy and both sets of Aiden’s grandparents with the primary purpose of completing one task – making jam.  Granny has been trying to find a time to hand down the tradition of making homemade jam to me for a while now and our timing has just never worked out…until now.  But now I’ve got it!  It’s a breeze!  We made 11 and a half jars of peach jam and I got the thumbs up from the crowd as far as taste goes.  Just give this girl some fruit and I’ll make you jam.  Thanks Granny!

Aiden loves exploring Granny and Granddaddy’s farm.  We rode the Gator with my dad, Aiden, Bruno, and I in the back while Scott and my Mom rode in the front and toured all around.  Aiden picked and ate his first blueberries right off the bush, helped pick beans, “helped” make jam, and pointed at countless butterflies (while Bruno chased them) around the farm.  We also got to take our first official hike with him (I am embarrassed that it has taken us this long!).  We hiked up Dupont Forest and saw lots of waterfalls and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.  We even got to pet (and sit on) some horses that were stopped along the trail – what a surprise treat for Aiden!

Peaches - The before

The middle portion

The final product

Stopping to smell the flowers

It had rained the day before we got there so Aiden was a bit of a mudball by the end of his exploring on the farm.

Aiden running to give me the four leaf clover that Scott found. With Chuck Norris on the way, we need all the luck we can get in the next few months!

Aiden and I looking over the falls. Try to ignore my sweet outfit (I hadn't planned on hiking much while pregnant)

Aiden with Big One and Pop overlooking the falls

Aiden's first horse "ride" (it was more like just a sit than a ride but whatever!)

After all the excitement, Aiden slept the hike back. What a quitter!

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