Bye bye beach

Sadly my days of traveling are coming to a close as the doctors are making me stay within the Charlotte vicinity starting July 20th.  So this past weekend, we interrupted Bub and Margey Frederick’s girls weekend and invaded the beach house in Charleston for one last hoorah for the summer before baby #2’s arrival. Unfortunately, Margey had to leave earlier than we had hoped (it was great to see you “Nana Margey”!!!).  But we still had fun for the remainder of the weekend spashing in the pool, digging holes in the sand, and just generally lounging at the beach house.  Ahhhhh…summer.

We've discovered that Aiden keeps himself very entertained with a huge hole in the sand. Go figure. So the digging begins.


And the digging continues. Bruno decides to entertain himself with a little frisbee action on the beach - his favorite activity.


If you dig deep enough, you hit a little water and that's where things get interesting.


A mud monster!!! (And here's a belly shot for all those who have been asking. Me and "Chuck Norris" in all of our glory)


Burning time at the playground before the pool opens.


Loving life on the splash pad by the pool. As we left, Aiden said "Bye Bye Beach"; we'll see you in a few months!

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