A great weekend

This weekend we hosted some family (Granny/Granddaddy and Aunt Cheryl/Uncle Ken) in town for the NCAA 2nd and 3rd round in Charlotte.  Friday night, my Dad came in town as well for the games and we left Aiden with a babysitter (thanks again, Maggie!) and watched the Heels win over Long Island University.  On Saturday, we enjoyed the sunshine and hosted the coaching staff and their families/friends for a cookout.  Aiden was a big hit – flirting with the ladies and high-fiving the boys.  Bruno, not so much.  After barking madly at the first few guests, he was quarantined to our bedroom for the remainder of the party.   On Sunday, we took Aiden to the game against the Washington Huskies.  Luckily, the Heels squeaked it out again!  Keep the streak going!

A boy band. Granddaddy and Aiden jamming out on Saturday morning.


Don't feel too badly for Bruno. After the party was over, I gave him a big ole belly rub to make up for banishing him from the fun.


The little man and me hanging out on his bench from Granny and Granddaddy.


This is what Aiden looks like after his Mexican fiesta dinner - black beans, avocado, cheese - you get the idea. A wicked 5 o'clock shadow.


Scott and Aiden at the game Sunday. Aiden was dangerously close to falling asleep...but then the crowd got into it.

2 thoughts on “A great weekend

  1. So fun!!!! I know you had a great time with all the crowd there! Cute pictures! Wild game….I had to peel Cody off the ceiling…but we won! I now know Aiden was the good luck….Take that boy to Jersey! Hope to see you soon :)!

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