Introducing Chuck Norris

For some reason (God only knows why), Scott has begun to call Baby Williams #2, Chuck Norris.  No, it’s not like the baby is kicking or punching me all day long.  And no, we don’t even know the sex of the baby (and won’t be finding out).  He just came home from work one day and the Baby was Chuck Norris from them on.  Who knows what goes on in that boy’s head.  Anyway, here is a sneak peek at our recent ultrasounds photos.  I am 19 weeks today and everything looks great so far. 

9 weeks


13 weeks


18 weeks


Look at those sweet little tarheels

March Madness

We started off the weekend with a belated birthday celebration and cookout for Charlie and Dave as we watched the TarHeels demolish Marquette.

Charlie and Dave blowing out their candles on their chosen b-day banana pudding and dirt cake (respectively).

On Saturday, Aiden and I  entertained ourselves while Scott was out doing mission work for the church (painting with the youth group he leads).  We started out with a breakfast date at one of my favorite earthy breakfast spots (Zada Janes) and then went to the mall to buy new shoes (one pair for me,two for Aiden’s shockingly fast growing feet).  We also got a surprise visit from Christi and Addi Johnson!  Thanks for the playdate guys!

My hats off to Nordstrom's. They have the nicest family restrooms ever (to handle the massive diaper explosion Aiden had in the middle of the store). AND they give out balloons in the kids shoes section! Hours of fun on a rainy day!

Then Scott and I had a date night – dinner and a movie – what a treat!!!  Sadly we had to end a wonderful weekend with the end to a great TarHeel season as well.  The Heels took it on the chin to stoopid Kentucky.  What a crazy NCAA tournament this has been!  But what a great year it has been for UNC!  Who thought we’d make it to the Great 8 after such a rough start!  Congrats on a great season, Coach.  Aiden wants to you to know that if you need some cheering up, you should drive through Charlotte to see him soon!

We love ya, Pop!

A year ago

Last week, I got an email from our playgroup one year ago.  Pretty funny to see how much Aiden has grown since last St. Patrick’s Day! (Thanks for the photo Beth!)

P.S. Aiden is on the left wearing the St. Patty's Day bib.

A great weekend

This weekend we hosted some family (Granny/Granddaddy and Aunt Cheryl/Uncle Ken) in town for the NCAA 2nd and 3rd round in Charlotte.  Friday night, my Dad came in town as well for the games and we left Aiden with a babysitter (thanks again, Maggie!) and watched the Heels win over Long Island University.  On Saturday, we enjoyed the sunshine and hosted the coaching staff and their families/friends for a cookout.  Aiden was a big hit – flirting with the ladies and high-fiving the boys.  Bruno, not so much.  After barking madly at the first few guests, he was quarantined to our bedroom for the remainder of the party.   On Sunday, we took Aiden to the game against the Washington Huskies.  Luckily, the Heels squeaked it out again!  Keep the streak going!

A boy band. Granddaddy and Aiden jamming out on Saturday morning.


Don't feel too badly for Bruno. After the party was over, I gave him a big ole belly rub to make up for banishing him from the fun.


The little man and me hanging out on his bench from Granny and Granddaddy.


This is what Aiden looks like after his Mexican fiesta dinner - black beans, avocado, cheese - you get the idea. A wicked 5 o'clock shadow.


Scott and Aiden at the game Sunday. Aiden was dangerously close to falling asleep...but then the crowd got into it.

Our not-so-secret-anymore secret

Although many of you already know this, I wanted to give Aiden the opportunity to announce the news himself on the blog.  Unfortunately, I ordered this shirt over 6 weeks ago and the jerks just now got it to me. 

"I'm the big brother."


That’s right.  We are expecting another baby on August 20th.  Watch out world!

New Friend for Aiden

Old friends introduce...

This weekend I had to work on Saturday.  So instead of going to see the Heels at the ACC tournament in Greensboro (although we were there with them in spirit), we decided to go to Asheville after work to see my best friend, Jess, and her new son, Charlie.  It was getting ridiculous that her adorable little man was 6 months old and I still had not met him in person!!! So we remedied that issue this weekend.  Aiden and Charlie met at the park for a long stroll and an even longer romp around the playground.  After being around Charlie about 2 minutes, Aiden went over and gave him a hug.  So sweet!  He’s a good judge of character.  Aiden and I (and Scott too) loved every minute.  Scott and I kept saying for the rest of the day what a great baby Charlie is and how we can’t even remember Aiden being that small.  Man, time flies!  Anyhoo, it was great to see you Jess and Charlie! friends!

Like Father, Like Son

The other day, I went to pick Aiden from baby camp.  His teacher told me that he had been doing the strangest thing at lunch.  He was taking his cup of milk, pouring it into his bowl of food, and then trying to drink the milk from the bowl with his food.  Wonder where he learned that little trick?

That SAME morning, I came downstairs to this scene at the breakfast table.


14 months old

Aiden is now 14 months old.  It is so fun to see him learning and how curious he has become to figure out how the world works.  He loves trying to feed himself with a fork or spoon (which is very messy for us!). 

Note the usage of the "clean" hand to assist in scooping up the potatoes.

He tries to say any word he can including “Hi Dog” everyday when we get home and see Bruno.  He has started climbing the stairs on his feet rather than hands and knees (with our help, of course).  And as I have mentioned before, he is obsessed with sticks and making noise with anything that looks like a stick.  Boys will be boys!

Grandpa Wolford sent Aiden a special stick from Asheville all wrapped up. He loves that thing!


Go Heels! Beat Dook!

Over the weekend, we were fortunate enough to go to Chapel Hill for some great family time and to witness the game of the year.  Although, I have spent the past few UNC/Dook games watching from the Williams’ couch since Aiden was so young (and the games are so late), this year we got a babysitter.  So while Aiden was all snug in his crib at the Williams household, Scott and I got to go to the game…at home…on senior night…and we won!  We’re so proud of you Coach! 

And although we didn’t get any photos of the game (whoops), we got some great video of Aiden jumping on the Williams’ neighbor’s trampoline.  I think I did give him a mild case of whiplash, but he recovers quickly 🙂