Christmas – part deux

While in Asheville for Christmas, about 8 inches of snow fell starting on Christmas morning.  It was so beautiful!  We couldn’t resist the opportunity to take Aiden out in the snow for a few sled rides down the hill on Granny and Granddaddy’s farm.  I held Aiden and Bruno on the sled and Scott pulled us down the hill!  Here are some pix of the snow as well as more fun Christmas pix.

Aiden's first sled ride. I think he liked it!


A delightful Christmas dinner


Meet Aiden's new favorite friend (Aunt Cheryl's dog, Angus). He might be the sweetest and most patient dog with an almost-1-year-old ever. Angus had an amazing knack of picking up snowball legs.


Back in Charlotte, we had about 3 inches of snow on the ground. So we played in the snow again! Aiden, can you say snow angel?


"Playing in the snow makes me hungry. Some of Big One's apple jacks should hit the spot!"


On Christmas Eve, Aiden strolled all around the farm (with Pop's help of course...see the shadow behind Aiden).


"I'm going downhill and I can't stop!!!"


Aiden is giving his expertise on how to fix the chainsaw. Cheryl says that the men in some families go hunting to kill a deer on Christmas Eve; but in our family, the men cut down a tree instead. Much better in my opinion.

One thought on “Christmas – part deux

  1. Wow! Look at him go! He looks so big and steady on his feet! Brek and Maelle fought over the birthday invitation today, both carrying it around having conversations with Aiden. I so wish we could be there! Enjoy your big day!

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