Go Heels

Over the weekend, we were fortunate enough to see our TarHeels dominate Kentucky in the Dean Dome.  Aiden and I sat in the box for the first half.  He had a great time with Bub eating cheerios out of his cup like popcorn while cheering on the team.  Luckily, Aiden only threw a minimal amount of cheerios on the poor balding gentleman sitting in front of him.  Sorry!!  Scott took Aiden-duty for the second half (although Bub and Granny truly took the majority of Aiden-duty throughout the game) and I got to watch the Heels pull out a victory from the stands.  It felt like I was in college again…just not in a tight skirt with pom-poms and a midriff top…for which all Carolina fans should be thankful for as I am one year out from having had a baby.  Anyhoo, we had a great time at the game and Aiden got to toddle around the offices after the game and entertain everyone.  He made a run for it and tried to give a post-game interview in the locker room.  And as icing on the cake, he got to see snow on our way back to Bub and Pops’ house.  All in all, a very successful weekend.

Getting ready for tip-off. Aiden's got the best seat in the house!


Aiden clapped his hands whenever the crowd cheered. A TarHeel born and bred.

After the game, we played in some of Bub's memorabilia. Nice hat babe! (P.S. Thanks for the awesome onesie Frederick family. I'll have to get a better shot later but it says Williams on the back with #4 which is Scott's number from school. Very cool.)

Giddy up lil' partner!

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