Swine is Divine 2010

This past Saturday, Sept 25th, the money pit held the 3rd annual Swine is Divine.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with how awesome (yet redneck) this event is, it starts off like this.    

Scott and Charlie fill the back of the Goat with chainsaws and axes, head up to Lexington to the Ripple family farm and cut down a tree.


Then they bring all of the wood home and split it all in preparation for the big day.


On the morning of the pig pickin, Scott, Charlie and Charlie’s brother Brian wake up around 4am to start the fire at 4:45am.  They put a bunch of wood in a burn barrel with has rebar wire throughout in order for the wood to burn and the coals to fall to the bottom of the barrell.  They take the coals and put them in he bottom of the cooker so the pig (named Elvira) cooks slowly for about 8 hours.  So they monitor the temperature all day and stoke the fire to keep it at just the right temperature.   

Aiden getting some tips as the boys stoke the fire throughout the day.


Around 2 o’clock people started arriving and bringing drinks, side dishes, and desserts.  We had around 130 people this year.  That’s got to be one of the biggest pot-lucks ever!  Scott, Charlie, and Brian chop up all the good parts of Elvira and serve up the BBQ with yummy sauce and coleslaw.  Who could resist that?!  Clear your calendar next September for the 4th annual!  The planning has already begun…   

Elvira in all her glory.


Enjoying the swinefest on the new deck!


Aiden and Aunt Kimmie


Aunt Cara, Cousins Lindsay and Ryan, Aiden and Grandma enjoying a little family time.


Although we had guests from New Jersey, Florida, and California all come in town for the party, Bilal and baby Aris (along with Kiva and Kainoa) made an impressive trip for the day from Raleigh.


One of Aiden's favorite grown-ups, Jen, taught him this little trick. "Hooray for swinefest!"

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