First Football Game

This past weekend, we took Aiden to his first Carolina football game.  After watching pick-up basketball in the morning with Scott, tailgating before the game, and fighting the half-time crowd to visit friends, he was exhausted.  Unfortunately, the Heels couldn’t pull out a victory, but he still had a great time. 

Although he’s playing it cool, Aiden was very excited about the game.

I know that I cut his head off in this photo, but I just had to show Aiden's favorite part of the game. Chewing on this water bottle. Go figure?!


A baby's gotta nap sometime, right?


Showing some TarHeel spirit with Coach Roy


After the game, we went back to the Williams' house to relax a bit. Aiden was fascinated by the pool table. Future billiards champion?


And of course, I brought my old standby...the ladybug.

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