8 months

Today was Aiden’s 8 month birthday.  To celebrate, we hosted baby happy hour (i.e. playgroup) at our house today.  I guess Aiden was too excited about hosting that once everyone finally got here, he was only able to stay awake for about 10 minutes.  Then, he napped the remainder of the time.  I remember when all the moms could just sit around and chat while the babies laid there cooing back at us all.  Those days are so over.  At one point, I was the only mom sitting on the blanket laid out for the babies (because my baby was asleep).  There were babies on the stairs, babies crawling into the bathroom, babies crawling towards the front door, babies reaching towards wine glasses, babies everywhere!  And anxious moms chasing behind them all.  After Aiden woke up, Uncle Charlie and Uncle Dave came over to help finish off the leftover food from playgroup and, of course, to celebrate Aiden’s 8 month b-day. For a glorious 8-month birthday dinner, Aiden ate cabbage, honeydew melon, and toast.  Because, really, isn’t that what we all want for our birthday dinners? 

Some stats for the 8 month mark:  Aiden weighs 18.2 pounds.  He has 5 teeth – two bottoms, two fangs, one top front tooth, and the second front tooth is knocking on the door.  Although he prefers the speed of army crawling, he can crawl on all fours and is pulling up on anything he can grab onto (watch out Bruno!).  He eats three real meals per day (loves peaches and mangoes; hates peas and green beans), loves to play with anything that is yours (not his), and he spends the majority of his free time stalking Bruno around the house and giggling about it all the while.  

Happy 8 months little man


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