Photos from the week

This past weekend, I participated in my first official race since Aiden was born.  I did the Lake Norman Triathlon (a local sprint triathlon) and finished in one hour 51 minutes.  You know Lance Armstrong?  Well picture the antithesis of him…and you’d have me 🙂  I was so slow on the bike but the swim and run were good overall and, well, I finished so I was happy.  Aiden and Scott were so sweet to drop me off at the start line and follow me around to get photos.  So awesome to see my boys cheer me on during the race. 

In other news, Aiden pulled up to standing for the first time last week.  I am sure most kids pull up to stand for the first time in the crib or at the coffee table.  Well, our son pulled up to stand for the first time on a giraffe.  Aunt Kimmie got Aiden a HUGE stuffed giraffe for the nursery and Aiden loves to play with it.  So he was playing playing playing and all of a sudden he was standing! Who knew?!

He is also getting more teeth.  The matching fang has finally made an appearance along with his right front tooth.  He’s been a bit fussy with a little fever but I can’t blame him.  Jeepers! Those teeth are huge!

The fam post-tri. Needless to say, Aiden and I both had an afternoon nap that day.


"Hello, Mr. Giraffe. Hold still. You look climbable."


"This Giraffe is the best. Thanks Aunt Kimmie!"

"Horray! Hello standing! Wait a minute. How do I get down from here?"


Bathtime just got even better with the additional of a few new boats from Grandma and Grandpa Wolford. This face says it all. He loves them!

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