Fun times

This past weekend, we went to Chapel Hill to celebrate with our college friend, Brian Bersticker, as he married his lovely Beth.  Our friends Brad, Jocelyn (with her adorable baby bump),and son, Ben, flew in for the wedding and are spending the week with us with a little side trip to the beach, of course.   Brad’s mom, Margey, came too to help babysit Ben while we were at the wedding and Coach and Bub got Aiden duty.  The wedding was fabulous – despite the downpour and the weekend in general was wonderful. We even got up way early on Saturday morning do Race for the Cure in Raleigh.  And just to round out the weekend, we tried out the pool at the Chapel Hill country club.  Good times all around. 

In other news, Aiden has started rice cereal.  We figured he popped out two teeth for a reason, so we’re practicing eating.  And I say practicing because there is very little actually being swallowed and lots being chewed and then spit back out.  He is also trying his hand at the ol’ sippy cup.  I think no water has actually been sipped out of it but he likes to hold it and chew on it all the same.  Bruno is a big fan of the whole thing because he is certain that food will be dropped very soon and he will be the sole beneficiary!  And a big thanks to Jocelyn for being photog for the first feeding!

Aiden was a little suspect of the whole pool situation but his Pops quickly convinced him that it was a safe adventure.


A, Coach, Brad and Ben chillin' at the pool


A was exhausted after all that swimming. An afternoon nap is becoming a favorite past time for Aiden and Scott.


Here is a photo of the family prior to leaving for the wedding. Little did we know that Aiden was gearing up to give the Grandparents a run for their money! (Sorry Coach and Bub!)

Just look at those two chompers!


Rice cereal.....yummy? The jury is still out.

"What am I supposed to do with all this mush the mommy keeps putting in my mouth? Oh, that's right, spit it back out at her. What a fun game!"

Gotta love a sippy cup!

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