A tooth was the culprit

Last time I posted, Aiden was a bit of a disaster.  Fever, fussy, needy, and generally just uncomfortable (and uncomfortable to be around as well!)  Luckily, Bub came in town unexpectedly and took some of the brunt of Aiden’s fussiness.  What would we do without the grandparents?!  After staying home from baby camp on Tuesday because he was still just generally feeling pretty puny, we sent him back out into the world on Wednesday after his fever had been gone about 24 hours.  Although his teachers said he wasn’t fully himself, he got along just fine.  We kept waiting for some sign or symptom of sickness to explain the fever but nothing came.  And then on Friday, I noticed that he had a bit of white just underneath his gums.  And on Saturday, he sprouted a little tooth!  His right front bottom tooth popped through.  And then this morning, we noticed that the left front bottom tooth had joined the right to complete the pair.  And man, those things are as sharp as knives!  Seriously, it is a little bit like “Jaws”  around here.  I don’t know how his fingers are still intact from all the chewing he does on them.  So we’ve been using cold teething rings and vibrating teething rings and burp cloths to control the fountains of drool that he is producing.  Luckily, he is back to being the happy little boy that we know and love.

Thanks for all the rocking, soothing, and love Bubba!


Now that he was feeling better, Aiden was begging to try on his new kicks. Thanks for the outfit and baby Jordan's Cooleys!


Scott spent all night on Saturday (along with Crazy Dave) as chaperones for the middle school youth at our church during a lock-in. What saints, right? Needless to say, he took a few naps on Sunday. Junior decided to join in as well.


Gotta love those baby blues

Aiden is once again a happy and wiggly little man!

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