Keeping busy

Aiden and I have been trying to keep ourselves busy since Scott is traveling for work in Europe.  We had some special visitors last week staying with us.  The newly married Epps and their adorable pup Avery made an appearance at the money pit before moving to San Diego.  Shockingly, Bruno didn’t even try to fight with Avery…too much.  My parents came into town over the weekend to “help out” (which means “to see Aiden”) but they were very,very helpful around the house and yard.  We also went out to see Uncle Mike, Aunt Cara (with baby Ryan due any day now), and cousin Lindsay.  Aiden got his to try out the swing in their backyard for the first time.  The response was, well, lukewarm.  No smiles.  No cries.  Just void of all expression really.  Not sure about it yet, I guess.  

And we also tried our hand at painting.  Since Aiden loved it so much at baby camp, we gave it a go at home.  One word for you.  Messy!  But totally worth all those smiles!  

Hurry home big one!  We miss you!  (Hopefully the volcano will cooperate with us!) 

Just hanging out with those rings...again. Isn't it funny how his favorite toy is $2?!


These pajamas say "Dog gone cute." It is so cute I can't even stand it.


Sitting up like a big boy (the crack in the couch always helps with the whole balance thing!)


Trying out the new porch that is being build off the back of the money pit. Let's hope it's not another pit for money!!!




A boy, a piece of paper, and a ton of blue paint.


Painting...after (And yes, those are Bruno's footprints. He thought the red paint looked pretty fun.)


The clean-up. By the look on his face, Bruno was less enthused by the clean-up than by the red paint.


What an adorable little bum!

2 thoughts on “Keeping busy

  1. Too cute for words! Such artistic ability! And Bruno is hysterical….gotta be in the middle of it…just toooooo adorable!

  2. Is it me or is Aiden looking more and more like Grandpa Wolford in some of these pictures? At first I thought he was a little Williams made over, but as he grows I am seeing those Wolford genes come through. Love you guys! Scott, hurry home to help out your wife.

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