Big One’s home

In honor of Scott making it back home safe and sound to the States, we decided to take a little family vaca to Charleston to Coach and Bub’s beach house.  We left Friday after work and came home on Sunday but even though it was a short trip, it was perfect.  We lazed around by the pool, played in the shade, rode the golf cart around Wild Dunes, and generally had a fabulous time all around. 

Aiden wanted me to take a little blog time and welcome his new cousin, Ryan Michael Wolford.  Mike and Cara now have a son and Lindsay has a baby brother.  (I can see Lindsay dressing up Ryan and Aiden is too-toos and Hannah Montana wigs any day now!)  Anyway, welcome to the world, baby Ryan! 

Warming up the floatie prior to it's big launch in the pool


Because Bruno wasn't allowed at the pool at Wild Dunes, Aiden had a rare chance to play with one of his favorite toys (Sophie La Giraffe) without Bruno trying to steal her away. Aiden slobbered all over her just to make up for all the times when we had to put her down due to Bruno.


Aiden lasted much longer in the pool this time with the help of the floatie. He was mesmerized by all that cold water on his feet!


"All that swimming was exhausting. I'll just lay here in my swim diaper and rest my eyes. And no, it's not a speedo."


It's all smiles at the pool.


We can't resist the sunscreen-induced mohawk!


What's better than napping with your boys after a hard day at the pool? Does life get much better than that?!


Family photo. Can I just mention that any photo that captures a dog and an infant looking at the camera simultaneously deserves an award. This one falls just short.

Keeping busy

Aiden and I have been trying to keep ourselves busy since Scott is traveling for work in Europe.  We had some special visitors last week staying with us.  The newly married Epps and their adorable pup Avery made an appearance at the money pit before moving to San Diego.  Shockingly, Bruno didn’t even try to fight with Avery…too much.  My parents came into town over the weekend to “help out” (which means “to see Aiden”) but they were very,very helpful around the house and yard.  We also went out to see Uncle Mike, Aunt Cara (with baby Ryan due any day now), and cousin Lindsay.  Aiden got his to try out the swing in their backyard for the first time.  The response was, well, lukewarm.  No smiles.  No cries.  Just void of all expression really.  Not sure about it yet, I guess.  

And we also tried our hand at painting.  Since Aiden loved it so much at baby camp, we gave it a go at home.  One word for you.  Messy!  But totally worth all those smiles!  

Hurry home big one!  We miss you!  (Hopefully the volcano will cooperate with us!) 

Just hanging out with those rings...again. Isn't it funny how his favorite toy is $2?!


These pajamas say "Dog gone cute." It is so cute I can't even stand it.


Sitting up like a big boy (the crack in the couch always helps with the whole balance thing!)


Trying out the new porch that is being build off the back of the money pit. Let's hope it's not another pit for money!!!




A boy, a piece of paper, and a ton of blue paint.


Painting...after (And yes, those are Bruno's footprints. He thought the red paint looked pretty fun.)


The clean-up. By the look on his face, Bruno was less enthused by the clean-up than by the red paint.


What an adorable little bum!

Growth spurt

Since Aiden is now 4 months old, we headed back to the doctor’s office for a checkup and the dreaded shots.  He had another mild reaction to his immunizations but it was nothing that a little baby Tylenol couldn’t handle and his fussiness faded away as soon as his little head hit his pillow or, well, crib sheet.  He got a good report at the doctor; he is meeting all of his milestones (one of which he shows off proudly in the video below but unfortunately tummy time is becoming roll over time since he doesn’t really want to spend any time on his tummy anymore now that he has figured out how to get out of it!). 

Aiden weighed in at 13 lbs 6.5 oz (which is about 20th percentile), was 25 and 3/4 inches tall (75th percentile), and had a head circumference of 42 and 1/4 cm (35th percentile). So our little man had a growth spurt!  Tall and skinny with a normal noggin.  Great!!  Maybe he will play in the NBA afterall!

4 months old

Aiden is 4 months old now and his personality is coming through more and more these days.  He is letting us know what things that he likes with his happy squeals.  His favorites are rolling onto his side, batting at any objects dangled above him, and anything that makes a funny sound – especially if it has lights.  His newest discoveries are his feet and toes.  He grabs them and looks at me in awe like he is asking me, “Are you seeing these amazing things?  They are moving…and I think I am doing it!” 

Over the weekend, we went to Bald Head Island off the NC coast for Tyler and Melissa’s wedding which was wonderful (Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Epp!).  On the ride down, Aiden was showing off his newest trick – the raspberry.   We picked up Bub on the way as a babysitter and he entertained us both in the backseat for quite a while.  Bub was just certain that every time he did it, he was asking her to give him a raspberry on his tummy.  Needless to say, this went on for hours and was absolutely hilarious!  Lots of giggles and lots of drool!  What more can you ask for in life? 

4 months old


It is really hard to capture a good photo these days because Aiden is so wiggly. They all come out blurry like this one with his arms!


All ready for baby camp in his new outfit from Great-Granny


Trying out the exersaucer. It's still a little big for him but he is excited about the whole thing.


Who wouldn't smile with all of these fun toys?!


My baby boys


Baby yoga


Would you look at these feet?!