One month and counting

I have officially been back to work for over a month now and I have to say that things are going better than I expected.  I am really liking being back at work (part-time) and Aiden seems to be loving daycare.  I think right now that it is the best of both world for me and Aiden seems to be happy as ever.  The best thing about him going to baby camp is that they introduce him to things he likes that I may not have thought of.  Like painting.  Yes, painting.  Who knew an almost-4-month-old could paint? Well, he can.  And can I just say that he is a natural?  Well, okay, that’s a stretch, but at least he loves it.  I mean loves it.  I picked him up today from baby camp and they told me he had his first meltdown after painting.  They stripped all the babies down to their diapers and laid them on a huge sheet of paper with a bunch of paint.  Those kids went to town.  The pictures are hilarious.  There is paint everywhere!  It looks like babies painting with their bellies.  Awesome.  But when it was time to stop painting, junior got mad.  You have to let the creative energy flow when you’re feeling it.  And apparently he was.  An artist in the making?  Perhaps.

Aiden's first artwork. It's on the fridge.


Scott decided to have a little fun with his hair this weekend. And since Aiden can't grow hair on the sides of his head, well, they have matching mohawks. Should I be proud or scared?


Bruno has gotten creative to find some "lap" space when we're playing with Aiden.


Aiden got in a little wrestling match with Sophie the giraffe. I think she won.


Aiden was truly mesmerized by the camel mobile that Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Ken brought him from India. Sophie, too, was mesmerized by the dancing camels (see below).


Aunt Cheryl said that it was like a death trap for babies and clearly not inspected by US baby regulators so we'll keep it at a safe distance from junior. But he is hypnotized by those camels.


What a sweet little angel all ready for church on Sunday morning.


And after church, it was time to go crazy!!

One thought on “One month and counting

  1. Sounds like all is well….love the pics and your comments are always so entertaining! Yes….you do need to be worried about your boys…the mohawks are just the beginning of lots of “fun and games”…but boys will be boys! Love you guys! Someday…we will get to meet the Boy! I am off to see Miss Priss on the 7th….love being in a 4 year old’s world!

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